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30   Strategic Report                                                                                                                                                                                                             31

           The Bank has a strong, high quality
           capital base. All the Bank’s shareholder
           funds qualify as Tier 1 capital, with its
           share capital and reserves qualifying as
           Common Equity Tier 1 capital.
           Total shareholders’ funds increased
           during the year from £163.8m to
           £184.8m as a result of the growth in the
           Bank’s retained earnings.
           The Bank elected to adopt the original
           IFRS 9 capital transitional arrangements
           from 1 January 2018, and during 2020
           elected to adopt the extension to these
           arrangements announced within the
           CRR Quick Fix regulations in June 2020.
           In total the Bank’s IFRS 9 transitional
           relief was £4.6m in 2022 reflecting both   Risk Management                                                                Governance of Risk Management           annual review of the Bank’s risk appetite
           the original and 2020 new transitional                                                                                    The Chief Risk Officer has operational   statements and KRIs is facilitated and
           relief arrangements, this relief reduced in                                                                               responsibility for the management of the   challenged by Second Line Risk, driven by
           2022 reflecting the scheduled reduction   Approach to risk, enterprise risk                                               bank’s Enterprise-wide Risk Management   the recommendations of the appropriate
           in the original transitional relief factor   management framework and accountability                                      Framework. The Board has responsibility   executives and subject matter experts.
           from 50% to 25% and the 2020 relief                                                                                       for the setting of the firm’s Risk Appetite   This process includes ensuring that the
           scheme from 100% to 75%.                The Enterprise Risk Management Framework                                                                                  key risks identified remain appropriate
                                                   clearly articulates the Bank’s approach to risk                                   and approval of this framework, as well as   against the strategic plan, current business,
           The Bank continues to benefit from its   management, the risks the Bank is willing                                        ongoing oversight, principally through the   macroeconomic, geopolitical, regulatory,
           British Business Bank ‘Enable’ Guarantee   to take, and the inherent risks, in pursuit of                                 Board Risk and Compliance Committee. The   and legal environment, and experience of
           facility. As at the 31 December, £42.6m   its strategy.                                                                   Bank’s corporate governance framework   risk throughout the preceding year.
           of loans were included within the                                                                                         and committee structure is outlined in the
           guarantee facility. The guarantee, which   The framework ensures that from the                                            corporate governance section.           The Bank’s performance against Risk
           for regulatory reporting purposes is    top down there is effective identification,                                                                               Appetite is monitored via reporting to
           treated as a synthetic securitisation,   assessment, control, management, reporting                                       Three lines of defence model            the executive risk committees. This is
           enables the Bank to risk weight the loans   and escalation of risk, to operate within                                     The Bank adopts the ‘three lines of defence’   summarised within the Chief Risk Officer
           within the guarantee at 0%. This benefit   the appetite set by the Board resulting in a                                   model to provide robust risk management,   Risk Management Report, presented
           is partially offset by the cost of the first   transparent and strong risk culture. The key                               oversight and assurance with clear      regularly to the Risk Management
           loss tranche which is reported as a     principles, tools, documentation, governance                                      responsibilities established for all colleagues   Committee and appropriate Board
           capital deduction of £1.68m.            structure, roles and responsibilities for risk                                                                            committees. The reporting shows status
                                                   management, across all risk categories, are                                       in relation to risk management, including   against each Key Risk Indicator (KRI) and
           The Bank’s capital ratios exceeded its   confirmed in the framework along with the                                        executive and non-executive responsibilities   overall rating, based on parameters set
           regulatory requirements throughout      methodologies used to measure and monitor                                         documented as applicable under the Senior   within the Enterprise Risk Management
           the year.                               the ‘Risk Management Cycle’. In addition, the                                     Managers and Certification Regime. The   Framework, using a Red/Amber/Yellow/
                                                   internal and external oversight, assurance,                                       Bank outsources the Internal Audit function
           The Bank’s Common Equity Tier 1                                                                                           to Deloitte LLP.                        Green scale and the expert judgement of
           capital ratio (including the impact of   and approvals provided by Executive, Board,                                                                              the first and second lines. These KRI’s detail
           the transitional arrangements) at the   Line 2 and Line 3 is confirmed.                                                   Risk Appetite                           the Bank’s Risk Appetite and are reviewed
           31 December 2022 was 20.7%, (2021:      A Risk and Control Self-Assessment                                                                                        at least annually or in the event of a major
           19.9%). The Bank’s total capital ratio   programme and Top and Emerging risk                                              The Risk Appetite is the type and level of   change to strategy and/or environment
           (including the impact of the transitional   reporting exist which supports monitoring                                     risks the Board is willing to take in pursuit   within which the Bank operates.
           arrangements) at 31 December 2022       and management of the Bank’s risk profile.                                        of its strategy and objectives. The overall
           was 23.6% (2021: 23.0%). The Bank’s                                                                                       objective is to protect the Bank from
           Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio and   A forward-looking risk management                                                unacceptable levels of risk while supporting
           total capital excluding the transitional   approach is taken using quarterly stress                                       and enabling overall business strategy
           arrangements were 20.1% and 23.1% at    testing and scenario analysis, feeding into                                       (including the assessment of new business
                                                   the annual Internal Capital and Liquidity
           31 December 2022 respectively.                                                                                            opportunities). The Bank’s Risk Appetite
                                                   Adequacy Assessment processes (ICAAP and                                          Statements outline a mixture of qualitative
                                                   ILAAP) to ensure there is sufficient capital and                                  and quantitative measures (Principal Risk
                                                   liquidity to cover the risks to the Bank.
                                                                                                                                     Statements and Key Risk Indicators). An
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