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32  Strategic Report                                                                                            33

 The Bank’s principal risks:

 Principal Risk  Governance  Risk Appetite Statement  Key Mitigants  Comments  Principal Risk  Governance  Risk Appetite Statement  Key Mitigants  Comments

 Total Risk  Enterprise Risk   The Bank takes a   Monthly assessment   The Bank   Capital   Capital   The Bank maintains a   Maintaining a capital   The Bank
 Management   conservative approach to   by the Chief Risk   monitors   Adequacy  Management   low appetite for Capital   surplus buffer exceeding   maintains and
 Total exposure
 Framework  risk management, having   Officer of the Bank’s   its overall   Policy  Adequacy Risk. Our   minimum regulatory   monitors a
 to all types   a low-risk appetite for all   overall risk profile,   risk profile   The risk that   priority is to maintain   requirements  robust capital
 of risk   Strategic Plan  risk types, apart from Credit   based on performance   closely via its   the Bank   Asset & Liabilities   (via retained earnings)   base, including
 in aggregate.  fails to hold   Committee                               Ongoing forecasting
 Risk   Risk, for which its appetite   against appetite in all   governance   a capital surplus above   a management
 Management   is moderate, operating   risk categories.  structure to   sufficient   Risk &   CET1 and Total Capital   of capital requirements   buffer more
 Committee  within strict parameters.   ensure that it   capital to meet   Compliance   requirements sufficient to   reported to risk   than regulatory
 There are certain types of   remains within   its regulatory   Committee  absorb any unexpected   committees.  requirements.
 Risk &   risk to which the Bank does   Risk Appetite, in   obligations,
 Compliance   not want any exposure (e.g.,   alignment with   support   Executive   losses and costs without   Quarterly stress testing
 Committee     its growth     Committee        using regulatory buffers   Annual ICAAP,
 fraud), noting that instances   its strategy.  and ensure that the Bank’s
 can and do occur. The   plans or to   Board   capital base can support   incorporating regular
 Bank takes active steps to   absorb shocks.   a growing and maturing   stress testing of the
 minimise the possibilities                    book throughout the      capital base in ‘severe yet
 of such incidents arising                     economic cycle, allowing   plausible’ scenarios.
 and strives to mitigate                       for potential downturns.  Horizon scanning
 the impact when they                                                   to ensure continued
 happen, learning from any                                              compliance with
 mistakes made.                                                         regulatory requirements

 Strategic  Enterprise Risk   The Bank maintains a   Strategy debated at   The Bank   Liquidity &   Asset-Liability   The Bank maintains a   Measuring, managing,   The Bank
 Management   low appetite for Strategic   the Board’s Strategy   has a clear   Funding  Management   low-risk appetite for   and monitoring the risk   maintains
 The risk of   Framework  Risk. We aim to deliver   Day, including second   strategy, which
 having an   a satisfactory return on   line challenge.  is monitored   The risk of   Policy  Liquidity & Funding Risk.   over appropriate time   and monitors
 insufficiently   Strategic Plan  capital to our shareholders,   effectively.  being unable   Savings   We will maintain sufficient   horizons, including   its liquidity
 defined or   Risk   generating profitable   Ongoing discussion   to fund assets   Protocols  liquid assets to meet   intra-day  and funding
 flawed strategy   Management   returns and building gross   at risk committees   and meet   liabilities as they fall due   Regular reforecasting of   requirements
 that does not   Committee  lending balances, whilst   and Board  obligations   Asset & Liabilities   in a stressed scenario and   the liquidity positions  on a regular
 adapt to market   retaining stable asset   Regular employee,   as they fall   Committee  always maintain a buffer,   basis, including
 and business   Risk &   quality and maintaining a   broker, and   due, without   Risk &   including satisfactory   Monitoring strict criteria   intra-day risk
 developments   Compliance   satisfactory cost of risk.   customer surveys  incurring   Compliance   liquidity coverage and loan   over the use of High   and maintains
 and/or meet the   Committee  We will achieve this within   unacceptable   Committee  to deposit ratios. We will   Quality Liquid Assets  sufficient
 requirements   Executive   our stated Risk Appetite   Ongoing review of   losses.  ensure that we are not   Annual ILAAP, including   liquidity
 and expectations   Committee  and regulatory guidelines   financial performance   Liquidity   overly reliant upon any   stress testing of the   headroom to
 of our   and deliver market   against budget  Contingency   single savings intermediary   liquidity base in ‘severe   ensure that
 stakeholders.  Board         Plan             to raise deposits.       yet plausible’ scenarios.  the Board’s
 leading customer service,   Media monitoring/                                                  risk appetite
 demonstrated by above   engagement                                     Horizon scanning        and regulatory
 average new business   Demonstrations                                  to ensure continued     requirements
 margins and positive   of corporate                                    compliance with         are always met.
 customer experience. We   social responsibility                        regulatory requirements
 aim to be an employer   Market
 of choice, ensuring that   Seeking B Corp   Interest Rate Risk   The Bank has no appetite   Scenario analysis  Market Risk
 we have the right mix of   Accreditation  The risk that   in the Bank Book   for foreign currency risk   Use of natural balance   is limited
                                                                                                to Interest
 skills and experience to   Part of wider   changes in   Policy  and a low appetite for   sheet hedges and   Rate Risk in
 grow the Bank. We work   ESG activities.  market rates   Asset & Liabilities   interest rate and basis   derivatives when needed.  the Banking
 hard to protect our brand,   negatively   Committee  risk keeping all assets,                  Book, which
 minimising reputational   impact the          liabilities and off-balance   Monitoring of pipeline,   is monitored
 risk and play an active   earnings   Risk &   sheet exposures in       repayment profiles and   by the Bank’s
 and responsible part in   or market   Compliance   sterling and carefully   product maturities.  ALCO and a
 our community.  value of the   Committee      managing mismatches      Modelling a variety of   suite of Key
               Bank’s assets                   between tenors of loans   different yield curves/  Risk Indicators
                                               and deposits, hedging
               or liabilities.                                          interest rate paths.
                                               exposures where                                  and tested
                                               necessary within pre-                            via scenario
                                               determined limits.                               analysis.
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