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8   Strategic Report                                                                                                                                                                                                             9

                                                                                                                                                            Celebrating record results in

                                                                                                                                                                  our 10th anniversary year

                                                                       However, as the rest of this Annual Report
                                                                       shows, notwithstanding the unpropitious
                                                                       backdrop, the Bank’s performance has held
                                                                       up well and it is continuing to make strides in               our products easier, and by speeding up   development. We will miss Simon’s wisdom
                                                                       growing its business, with strong advances in                 transactions. In doing so, we are mindful of   and perspicacity and wish him well and every
                                                                       customer loans, deposits and profitability.                   the Financial Conduct Authority’s initiative   success in the next phase of his career.
                                                                                                                                     which makes much more explicit the duty
                                                                       The key to the Bank’s continuing success in                   of financial institutions to ensure a good   We are also sorry that Simon Lindley, our
                                                                       difficult times is a forensic focus on its chosen             outcome for their customers. This initiative   Chief Development Officer, decided to
                                                                       sectors of real estate lending and asset finance              aligns closely with our own view of the   retire at the end of the year. Simon brought
                                                                       for SMEs across the UK. Our strategy of going                 importance of looking after our customers’   to the Bank over thirty years’ experience in
                                                                       to market through well managed relationships                  interests as a natural part of an effective   financial services business development and
                                                                       with brokers and borrowers continues to                       and sustainable business model and we are   property lending and played a major part
                                                                       deliver good growth and robust returns. A key                 supportive of it.                       in building Cambridge & Counties’ market
                                                                       component of servicing those relationships                                                            position and commercial success. He was
                                                                       is smart manual underwriting supported by                     An important element of the success of   an integral part of the senior executive team
                                                                       well-honed customer service and strong                        Cambridge & Counties from early days has   and his measured, thoughtful and balanced
                                                                       credit risk management models and tools.                      been a recognition of the importance of   contribution to the team, combined with his
                                                                       We have invested significant sums in both, the                good environmental, social and governance   sure touch in generating good business will
                                                                       benefits of which are explored further in the                 (ESG) standards and reporting. The Bank   be much missed. We all thank Simon for his
                                                                       following sections.                                           achieved carbon neutral plus status in 2019,   major contribution to the Bank’s success and
                                                                                                                                     putting it at the forefront of the drive to a   wish him a happy and fulfilling retirement.
                                                                       Our capital base remains strong as we                         sustainable future. As part of our continuing
                                                                       re-invest our significant trading profits, giving             commitment to be a responsible bank we   Mike Peck has joined the Board as our new
                                                                       us some of the strongest capital ratios in                    are exploring membership of B Corp, a   Audit Committee Chair. Mike was a senior
                                                                       the Specialist Bank sector. We believe that a                 global initiative which helps companies   audit partner at KPMG, working in the
                                                                       continuing strong capital base is a source of                 to better understand and manage their   financial sector with some of the UK’s major
                                                                       competitive advantage and are seeing benefits                 environmental and social impact. More   financial institutions as his clients. He brings
                                                                       as a flight to quality takes place in the market.             information on our sustainability work is   a wealth of experience of banking in the
                               Chair’s statement                       As noted above, the strong performance                        given in the relevant sections later in the   UK and Middle East and is a very welcome
                                                                       reported in the following pages would not                     Annual Report.                          addition to the Board.
                                                                       have been possible without the commitment
                               Overview                                                                                                                                      Conclusion
                                                                       and hard work of our excellent people. Led                    Our Senior Team
                               Cambridge & Counties Bank celebrated    by Donald Kerr and the senior executives,                     At the end of September Simon Moore     Cambridge & Counties enters 2023 in good
                               its tenth anniversary in 2022, posting   our team has moved on from the pandemic,                     retired as Chair after ten years’ service   shape. A combination of a robust capital
                               a record set of results despite many    returning to more normal working routines,                    as a non-executive director and Chair of   base, good underlying systems, strong
                               worldwide headwinds. In 2012 the Bank   whilst taking advantage of the best of the                    the Bank. Simon joined the Board in 2012   relationships with brokers and customers,
                               rose, phoenix like, from the chaos following   hybrid working model. I would like to pay              and became Chair in 2016. He led the    and deep knowledge of the SME market and
                               the 2007/8 financial crash, aiming to be a   a particular tribute to all of the team and to           Board very effectively through a period   its associated risks, means that we are well
                               straightforward bank servicing small and   thank them for their unstinting efforts during             of significant growth, making a huge    positioned to capitalise on the opportunities
                               medium sized enterprises by providing   the last year.                                                contribution to establishing the Bank as   that exist in the market, notwithstanding
                               tailored financing and a home for the cash                                                            a significant player in the Specialist Bank   continuing headwinds, which are likely to
                               resources of smaller businesses and others.   Future Strategy                                         sector, ensuring always that the Bank’s   make this a tough year for the UK economy.
                               That it is now a mature, profitable and robust   The Bank remains committed to its strategy           strategy was clearly defined and articulated,   The remainder of the Annual Report explores
                               provider of services to the SME sector,   of servicing the SME market with manually                   whilst developing its leadership team   these themes, describing the Bank’s progress
                               punching its weight as a Specialist Bank, is   underwritten focused products in real estate           and management structures, so that the   through 2022 and our future plans.
                               a testament to the foresight of its founders   and asset finance. Our rolling three-year              required skills were in place to deliver the
                               and the skill, energy and commitment of its   plan shows that continuing with this strategy           strategy. Simon also ensured that the Board
                               people over the last ten years.
                                                                       will deliver sustainable profitable growth for                demanded high values and standards of
                               Our people’s energy and commitment has   Cambridge & Counties.                                        behaviour across the organisation. The
                               seldom been tested more thoroughly than   As part of this growth plan, we continue to                 Bank owes him a great debt of gratitude for
                               by the now familiar cocktail of geo-political   improve the technology underpinning our               his contribution as Chair over the last six
                               instability, economic setbacks as a result   manual underwriting processes, further                   years and, as his successor, I am extremely   Patrick Newberry
                               of the Ukrainian War, and continuing    developing our customers’ experience when                     fortunate to inherit a strong Board and   Chair
                               environmental concerns, from all of which   dealing with the Bank by making access to                 executive team which is well equipped to   30 March 2023
                               Cambridge & Counties is far from immune.                                                              lead the Bank through its next phase of
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