Page 11 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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10  Strategic Report                                                                                            11

 Against a continued volatile economic   We also take a robust approach to liquidity   Strategy
 backdrop, 2022 has seen us successfully   management and funding, as we focus on   Our strategy is set against an uncertain
 deliver on each of those commitments   diversity of funding sources and a prudent   economic backdrop. The Board’s strategy is
 and we continue to demonstrate the   maturity profile. This enables us to protect,   one of sustainable organic growth servicing
 strength and resilience of our business   grow and sustain our business model.   the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
 model. The battle to control inflation and   We have invested in our deposit servicing   market without material uplift in risk.
 return the UK economy to a sustainable   capability and retain our multichannel   Our strategic objectives are:
 growth trajectory will be challenging, and   acquisition model to attract customer
 we anticipate that the continued impact of   deposits. We attract steady inflows into     • to continue to invest in our customer
 high energy costs, supply chain disruption,   our notice accounts and fixed rate savings   engagement strategy and geographical
 and the rising cost of living will have a   products, maintaining a funding ratio of   footprint to maintain our high customer
 sustained impact on our customers and   87% and a Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) of   service and satisfaction levels, and service
 our people.  361% whilst delivering a 4.5% Net Interest   underserved markets;
              Margin (NIM) (2021: 3.8%).
 Performance                                            • to develop our lending products to
              We take a prudent approach to managing    meet climate change challenges and
 We delivered an excellent financial   our financial resources. A fundamental   help support our customers ensure their
 performance this year benefitting from   part of our business model is ensuring we   properties are energy efficient; and
 higher rates in this more uncertain   have a strong capital position which allows     • use proven technology to support our
 environment generating a profit before tax   us to grow, invest and meet all regulatory   colleagues’ interactions with brokers
 of £28.5m (2021: £18.5m) driven by record   requirements. The Bank’s balance sheet   and customers.
 interest income of £76m (2021: £55m)   remains robust with a strong total capital
 and a 32% increase in net interest income,   ratio of 24% (2021: 23%) and a Core   We continue to deliver against our strategic
 resulting in a sustainable 12.6% Return On   equity Tier 1 ratio (CET1) of 21% (2021:   priorities to become the specialist SME
 Capital Employed (ROCE) (2021: 9.5%) to   20%), significantly above the applicable   Bank of choice. Our multi-year investment
 our shareholders.   minimum regulatory requirements and our   programme to drive improvement in our
              peer competitors.                       customer journey transformation, alongside
 With the external uncertainty we                     enhanced business intelligence and data
 moderated our new business volumes   Our business performed well in 2022 and   governance are progressing well, delivering
 Chief Executive   while still delivering growth. New   continued to demonstrate our financial   improved customer service, and enabling
 business generated a 6% increase in
              resilience, notwithstanding the unusual
 Officer’s Review  loans and advances to £1,055m (2021:   events of the year.   us to protect our business in an evolving
 £993m) with our manual underwriting
 maintaining resilient asset quality
 given the higher external interest rate
 Post Covid-19, we at Cambridge &   trajectory. As customers reassess their
 Counties are committed to play our part   investment priorities in this challenging   The Bank is focused on becoming the   Specialist
 in supporting the UK economic recovery   macroeconomic environment, our focus   “Specialist SME Bank of Choice”.   SME Bank of
              To achieve this the Bank has set
 through continued lending to SME   continues to be on lending responsibly   itself a number of goals building
 customers in our chosen markets:   whilst also helping our customers navigate   on its core foundations:
 the challenges they face. We remain alert   Growing   Improved
   • Building on our core foundation of a   to the pressures on our customers from   Number of   Shareholder
 people led approach, investing in our   rising inflation and interest rates and   Customers
 front-line relationship management   have increased our impairment provision
 teams, developing, and growing our   coverage ratio of 1.6% (2021: 1.5%).   Excellent   Sustainable   Reduced
                                                            Cost to
 talent pipeline;                  Service                  Income Ratio
 Underlying operating costs of £25.9m
   • Investing in infrastructure developments   increased 13% on prior year as planned,
 to simplify and automate our end-to-end   reflecting investment in our infrastructure,   Capital to   Growth   Diverse   Improved
                                         of Broker
                             Sustain Growth
                                                      Funding Base
 lending processes, accelerating access   automation, and servicing capacity, and   Network
 to finance for our customers; and
 in our people skills and capability. We
   • Leveraging our manual underwriting to   anticipate our investment and efficiency   Environmental,   Front Line   BI and Data   Customer   People and
                       Social and   Recruitment  Governance  Journey    Culture
 navigate a macroeconomic outlook that   savings will partially mitigate the   Governance  Transformation
 became increasingly uncertain over the   continued inflationary pressures with early
 course of the year, while continuing to   enhancements already contributing to an   Robust Risk Management   Strong Broker Relationships   Established Manual
 monitor our customer portfolio for any   improvement in the Bank’s cost income   and Enabling Functions  and Reputation  Underwriting Capacity
 adverse impacts.  ratio of 44% (2021: 51%).
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