Page 13 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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12  Strategic Report                                                                                            13

 Supporting our

 customers and

 servicing through a

 personal approach
 external landscape. Enhanced efficiency   Outlook
 reduces our cost: income ratio, and   We delivered a strong performance
 future-proofs our income generation   in 2022, and none of this would be
 capabilities underpinning improved   possible without the contribution and
 shareholder returns. We are seeing   commitment of our people, and the
 tangible benefits from these investments.
              extensive experience they each bring
 The key elements of execution are   Commercial Mortgage Lender of the   to the business. I extend my enormous
 significantly within our control. Our focus   Year, Specialist Lender of the Year) and   thanks to each one. Our proven and
 is now on the opportunities this creates for   by Business Moneyfacts for our products   resilient business model and experience
 continued growth in our customer base,   (Best Service from a Commercial Mortgage   in navigating the economic conditions,
 our people, and our financial strength.   Provider, Best Service from an Asset   enables the Bank to face into the
 Based Finance Provider, Best Business   continuing challenging economic
 Overall, we have the right strategy and are   Fixed Rate Deposit Account Provider,   environment from a position of strength.
 executing on the key components that   Innovation in the SME Finance Sector).   Whilst UK inflation and interest rates
 will underpin our delivery of consistent   This year, we have conducted a further   are likely to peak in H1 2023, we remain
 returns and profitable growth over the   review of potential growth opportunities,   alert to the impact of these on the wider
 coming years.
 expanding our geographical footprint and   financial market conditions, on our
 reach through the investment in 8 new   customers, and our people.
 Supporting our customers and our people
 business relationship managers across   The regulatory landscape for financial
 Our focus on supporting our customers and   our commercial real estate team, a new   services sector is also set to undergo
 servicing their needs through a personal   Head of Asset Finance, an additional   important changes in the years ahead with
 approach builds on our deep understanding   Asset Finance relationship manager and   the introduction of the FCA’s (Financial
 of their requirements and is evidenced by   3 asset finance lending support officers,   Conduct Authority) new Consumer Duty
 the growing number of satisfied customers   extending our product offering to include   and Basel 3.1. Our customer focus, high
 and broker partners. We continue to enjoy   fixed rate products, supported investment   standards of governance and commitment
 over 90% customer satisfaction. Our   in our ESG ambitions, advancing finance   to responsible business practice mean
 success continues to be underpinned by our   to fund EPC improvement initiatives,   that the Bank is well-placed to deliver on
 manual underwriting criteria and disciplined   increased funding of electric vehicles, and   this to continue to improve outcomes
 pricing. We consistently apply these criteria   continuing to generate a strong pipeline   for customers.
 throughout the economic cycle allowing   of business opportunities aligned with our   Our Purpose and
 us to offer high service levels and target   business model.   The Bank remains well capitalised, with   Business Model
 relevant flexible solutions to underserved   The Bank has an important role to play in   strong liquidity and an asset backed
 SME customers through our network of   helping people and businesses transition to   lending portfolio. We have retained an
 brokers. During 2022 we invested in our   a lower carbon future and this responsibility   appropriate credit loss provision which   Purpose statement
 front-end customer servicing technology,   is a key priority. For the third year running,   reflects our economic forecasts and
 simplifying the customer journey, and   the Bank has been independently   scenario weightings, to provide a robust   Cambridge & Counties Bank is a UK Bank
 streamlining our internal processes to   accredited as Carbon Neutral Plus. I am   level of coverage across our loan portfolio.   that specialises in providing lending and
 generate faster lending decisions and   pleased with the significant progress we   We are confident we can deliver our   deposit products for Small and Medium
 access to funding solutions for our   continue to make in developing our ESG   strategy, building on the investment we   Enterprises (SMEs).
 customers. Our ongoing transformation   agenda. We were awarded the ‘Socially   have made over the past couple of years   Ownership
 programme continues to deliver efficiencies   Responsible Business of the Year’ by   and the momentum created in 2022 and
 and capacity to help mitigate the impact of   Embark CSR. Notwithstanding the progress   are well-placed to continue delivering   Established in June 2012, Cambridge &
 rising inflation and allowing us to continue   we have already made, we remain at   on our track record of profitability   Counties Bank has a stable and supportive
 to improve our customer experience.   the beginning of a long journey and   and growth. We are excited about the   ownership structure being jointly owned
 Our deposit offerings continue to provide   recognise there is more to do to develop   prospects for the Bank; we have the right   by Trinity Hall, a college of the University
 market leading returns to businesses,   our indirect scope 3 emissions, transition   strategy, business model and people to   of Cambridge, and Cambridgeshire County
 charities, clubs, societies and associations –   plans, targets and metrics. This also   deliver on this potential.  Council as Administering Authority of
 increasingly underserved markets – as well   includes our ability to address challenges   the Cambridgeshire Local Government
 as retail customers through a network of   around data and modelling as we continue   Pension Fund.
 Deposit Intermediaries.
 to work alongside our customers and                  The Bank is authorised by the Prudential
 We remain focused on supporting the SME   suppliers, to enhance our understanding   Regulation Authority, regulated by the
 market, continuing to be nominated and   and capabilities. The pursuit of B-Corp   Financial Conduct Authority and the
 recognised by the National Association of   accreditation embodies how we embed our   Donald Kerr  Prudential Regulation Authority, and is
 Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB) for   wider stakeholder impacts and community   Chief Executive Officer  registered under the Financial Services
 our services (Business Bank of the Year,   considerations in everything we do.   30 March 2023  Compensation Scheme.
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