Page 110 - CCB_Annual Report_2022
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110   Notes to the Financial Statements                                                                                                                                                                                            111

              All properties are individually valued at origination,   The Bank’s total lending portfolio (by number of                 As the Bank has to date incurred limited arrears    to a PD using a default curve based on historic
              and regular reports are produced to ensure the    accounts) falls into the following concentration by                     and losses in its initial ten years of trading, it has   performance, management judgement and
              property continues to represent suitable security   loan size:                                                            had to use significant management judgement in      industry benchmarking.
              throughout the life of the loan. Affordability                                                                            calibrating the weightings and values. Over time     – Loss given default (LGD) is the magnitude of the
              assessments are also performed on all loans, and   Loan size                    2022    2021                              as the Bank obtains more performance data, it will   likely loss if there is a default. The Bank estimates
              other forms of security are often obtained, such as                                                                       continue to develop its models and incorporate this   the LGD parameters based on the history of
              personal guarantees.                              0 – £250k                      47%     61%                              performance data into them.
                                                                                                                                                                                            recovery rates of claims against defaulted
              Real Estate Loans are secured on properties       £251k – £500k                  24%     18%                              The payment status of the Bank’s loans and          counter parties and management experience.
              solely located in the UK, concentration risks are   £501k – £1,000k              16%     11%                              advances are a key driver of the Bank’s provisioning   The Bank calculates its real estate LGD using the
              monitored, and credit exposures are diversified by                                                                        requirements. The table below provides information   drivers of the loan to value ratio (LTV).
              sector and geography.                             £1,001k – £3,000k              10%      8%                              on the payment due status of loans and advances to   The LGD is calculated at the current point in time
                                                                                                                                        customers as at 31 December:
              The Bank retains the ownership of all assets      £3,001k+                        3%      2%                                                                                  and is then adjusted to reflect forward looking
              financed by hire purchase and finance leases.                                                                                                                                 economic indicators with the calculated loss
                                                                Total                        100%    100%
              Concentration of credit risk                                                                                              £’000                      2022       2021          discounted by the assumed selling period. The
                                                                                                                                                                                            LGD does not include any impact of indexation.
                                                                                                                                        Neither past due
              The Bank monitors concentration of credit risk by   LTV banding                                                           nor impaired           1,006,952    952,078          – Expected credit loss (ECL) percentage:
              product type, borrower type, geographic location   The Bank’s real estate lending balances falls into the                                                                     By taking the appropriate PD and LGD,
              and loan size.                                                                                                            Past due but
                                                                following LTV bandings:                                                                                                     the Bank can calculate an ECL percentage.
                                                                                                                                        not impaired:
                                                                                                                                                                                             – Exposure at default (EAD) represents the
              Lending by product and type %  2022   2021                                                                                   Up to 3 payments
                                                                LTV banding                   2022    2021                                                                                  expected exposure in the event of a default.
              Commercial real estate lending                                                                                               missed                20,263      11,947         The Bank will derive the EAD from the current
                                                                0 – 50%                        30%     29%
                 Residential                 29%     33%                                                                                Default – inc. credit                               exposure to the counterparty and any potential
                                                                51 – 60%                       31%     30%                              impaired and IFRS                                   changes to the current amount allowed
                 Commercial                  58%     55%                                                                                stage 3 loans            27,423      28,575         under the contract. The Bank does not have a
                                                                61 – 70%                       36%     38%
                 Other                        2%      3%                                                                                Total                  1,054,638    992,600         significant number of undrawn commitments
                                                                71 – 80%                        1%      2%                                                                                  linked to existing customer loan agreements and
              Asset finance                   7%      5%                                                                                Less allowances for                                 any new commitments would not be drawn in
                                                                81%+                            2%      1%
                                                                                                                                        impairment losses       (16,928)    (14,766)        the event that the Bank considered them likely to
              Classic Vehicles and Sports     4%      4%
                                                                Total                        100%    100%                                                                                   cause a default.
              Total                         100%    100%                                                                                Total loans and
                                                                                                                                        advances to customers  1,037,710    977,834       Other ECL model assumptions
                                                                Credit risk – security
              The Bank’s lending real estate portfolio is       The Bank enters into loan agreements with                               Expected credit loss recognition                  The Bank estimates provisions for credit losses at an
              geographically diversified across the UK:                                                                                                                                   individual account level for all financial instruments,
                                                                customers, and where appropriate takes security.                        IFRS 9 requires a loss allowance to be recognised at   and for all loans the expected life is based on the
                                                                The security profile of the loan’s receivable book is                                                                     contractual maturity.
              Region                        2022    2021        shown below:                                                            an amount equal to either 12-month ECL, or lifetime
                                                                                                                                        ECL. Lifetime ECLs are the ECLs that result from all   The Bank has not applied the low credit risk
              East Anglia                     2%      2%                                                                                possible default events over the expected life of a   exemption permitted under IFRS9.
                                                                                         2022         2021                              financial instrument (in the Bank’s case for customer
              East Midlands                  19%     15%                                                                                loans and advances this is the same average life   As at 31 December 2022, the Bank does not hold
                                                                                    £m      %    £m      %
              Greater London                  4%      4%                                                                                assumption as used for its effective interest rate   any financial assets that have been purchased or
                                                                Secured on property  942   89    901    91                              calculation), whereas 12-month ECLs are the       originated as credit-impaired loans (2021: None).
              North East                      6%      4%                                                                                portion of ECLs that result from default events that
                                                                Secured on                                                                                                                The Bank’s 2022 Expected Credit Loss includes a
              North West                     16%     20%                                                                                are possible within the 12-month period after the
                                                                other assets        113    11     92     9                                                                                Post Model Adjustment (PMA) of £685k (December
                                                                                                                                        reporting date, based on the estimated loss curve.
              Scotland                        6%      7%                                                                                                                                  2021: nil). This adjustment has been applied to
                                                                Total             1,055   100   993    100
                                                                                                                                        In respect of real estate lending, the Bank       reflect risks not fully captured by the Bank’s REF
              South East                      7%      9%
                                                                                                                                        recognises loss allowances at an amount equal     IFRS 9 model. Commercial property prices recorded
              South West                      6%      5%        In addition to security over property, the Bank may                     to lifetime ECL, except where the credit risk has   significant reductions in the final quarter of 2022
                                                                also take additional security in the form of Director                   not increased significantly since initial recognition   and Management do not consider these to have
              Wales                           6%      7%
                                                                Guarantees and cash deposits. Collateralised                            and repayments are fully up to date. For these, the   been fully captured within its model at the end of
              West Midlands                   7%      8%        deposits at the end of 2022 totalled £1.4m                              amount recognised will be 12-month ECL.           the year for loans drawn in the year. A Valuation Risk
                                                                (2021: £1.3m).                                                                                                            ECL adjustment has therefore been modelled and
              Yorkshire/Humberside           21%     19%                                                                                Inputs into measurement                           included as part of the total stage 1 expected credit
                                                                Credit risk – allowance for impairment losses
              Total                         100%    100%                                                                                The inputs into the measurement of ECLs include   loss in 2022. This adjustment has been calculated
                                                                (see also Note 16)                                                      the following variables:                          by uplifting the Loss Given Default metric for all
                                                                                                                                                                                          new loans drawn in the first 3 quarters of 2022 to
                                                                The Bank uses a forward-looking ‘expected credit                           – Probability of default (PD): A series of     reflect the reported fall in commercial property
                                                                loss’ (ECL) model to assess its credit risk. This                         quantitative and qualitative variables are assessed   prices in Q4. The increase in the loan impairment
                                                                requires considerable management judgement over                           for each loan and a customer slot calculated.   charge combined with the growth in total loan
                                                                how changes in economic factors affect ECLs, which                        The drivers include customer character, property   balances results in an annual cost of risk of 47bps
                                                                are determined on a probability-weighted basis.                           type and location. The customer slot is converted
                                                                                                                                                                                          (2021: 38bps).
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